
  • Reducing Barriers to Providing Child Care

    JANUARY | 20205

    Quality child care is essential for family stability, economic growth, and early childhood education, but demand far exceeds supply, creating significant challenges for providers. This report identifies key barriers, including high facility costs, complex regulations, and inconsistent guidance, while highlighting steps Colorado has taken to address the shortage. To further expand child care capacity, the Institute recommends regulatory simplifications, increased funding and technical support, and incentives for property owners and employers to facilitate child care expansion.

  • Shoplifting Prevention & Intervention

    DECEMBER | 2024

    Shoplifting rates in Colorado remain below 2019 levels despite recent increases. Underreporting obscures the full scope, but some U.S. cities have seen sharp rises since 2019. Retailers cite theft as a reason for closures and increased security. Colorado police are cracking down on organized retail crime and repeat offenders.

  • Reducing Violent Crime

    AUGUST | 2024

    Aggravated assaults in Colorado rose 42% from 2019 to 2023, far outpacing the national increase of 10%. Despite some improvement in 2023, rates remain well above pre-pandemic levels. Cities like Denver and Aurora have implemented violence reduction strategies, but many programs lack sustainability or evaluation. A statewide, collaborative effort is needed to address the drivers of violent crime and implement evidence-based solutions.